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September 2006


Ann Handley

Great post, Laura.

Folgers is a clear example of a brand getting too big for its niches...so to speak. I agree with you -- it needs to stay perched on the bottom rung of the coffee ladder. Anecdotally, based solely on observation at my local grocery story, there's a ton of people who still buy crappy food and bad brands....!

I disagree with you about Starbucks, however. I understand your point..but in practice, I don't think it sticks. For example: I buy Starbucks at the grocery store to brew at home -- and it's a great convenience to be able to pick up a pound there. I still visit Starbucks often for lattes and other barista drinks, too.

I think Starbucks damages its brand more via the sub-par airport franchises than by selling pounds of coffee to existing afficionados.

Aaron Gray

Thanks for another great entry, Laura. Brand is my secret passion, and I love your books. It's just amazing how this move is so obviously wrong. It's as if the question asked was "what moves can we make to ensure that we don't capitalize on this diverging market?" Great stuff, keep it up.

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