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May 2009




Online pharmacy

good work... very interesting!!! thanks


As always great analysis. But there is still a small problem because of the other Swift School in Bon Secoeur, Alabama and a bigger problem with the overlap in internet names of the two institutions --www.SwiftSchool.org and www.SwiftSchool.com.

Now, as the Irishman is famously meant to have said to a lost British tourist asking for directions, 'I wouldn't have started from here'. But, of course, here is where we are. So given the similarities in internet names is there not another method of differentiating between the two schools (other than, as the Irishman would undoubtedly suggest, a name change)?


Hello Laura:
Long time ago I read your book talking about Porche. You told the great problem Porche was the Cayenne production because they will lose the category in the minds of people. I was very skeptics
Today the news is the release of a major financial crisis in the company. Is it because of what you forward several years ago?
Regards form Spain


Hey! What a great post!

Affiliate Marketing Network

Good blog... great work....

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