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October 2009


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Congratulations Laura for the excelent job done for the Swift School.

Being new on the marketing world, it still amazes me how a well planned and executed strategy can change the history of a brand.

I strongly believe that this will be a new beginning for the Swift School.

Greetings from Argentina (how 'bout coming down here for a conference Laura? I'd be sitting first row, since I'm a big follower of both yours and your father's work).

Mark Butler

very well done.

Allan Young

Thanks Laura for doing something so meaningful and generous!

I also appreciate your comment about designers falling in love with the design before the core concept is developed. I encounter that quite a lot.

I've been finding great value reading your blog.

Laura Ries

We don't do design. We just do strategy work. But when working on branding assignments we often work with designers and make suggestions on what elements should be used, colors, and relative sizes etc.

The first thing to decide on is the brand strategy and then the design should be reflective of that strategy. Too often it is the other way around. Designers fall in love with a design and write up a strategy to justify it.


great makeover. actually a really cool case for whenever I have to battle with people concerning design/branding/CI.

@laura: to what extend are you involved with graphic design? do you do anything on your own or just do the strategic part and bounce of ideas with designers so that they can design something which you think appropriate?

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