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March 2010


sam stern

Laura - Great post. I especially like your point about social media being a tool, not a strategy. Unfortunately, too many marketer overlook this point.


Hi Laura & Al, interesting site & blog. Have yet to study in depth. Just a quick note for now: in your "About" (http://www.ries.com/aboutus.php) "spend most of their time of the road" should read "ON the road" ...

Online Dating

yes! axe commercials is also one of my top picks. The commercial leaves a strong impression that when you use axe, you will attract more women. "Spray more get more".

I also like how they have incorporated humor in their commercials. It's one way of making their commercials really noticeable. :)


Perfect points, Laura! Your blog is outstanding as well.

turk bayragi satis

Congratulations !
Very very nice site
Thank you.. =)

Term Papers

It's really an impressive posting. I liked it & think that it will be helpful for others. Keep up the good work. Good luck.

Cuddles Healing Bear in Atlanta


Do me a favor; we love you to mention some of the newest projects you’re working on.

This will at least give us some insight on how really good you say you are at making predictions, so we can monitor the progress of projects you executed.

You have such amazing insight about brands.

I know a few other brand strategists who have amazing insight. Laura you’re in the top 5 at #4 among them.

You did well presenting the beauty market, but you came up short on exposing Dove body soap for Men and Dove shampoo as line extensions, positioned in the mind of consumers as a feminine body soap or unisex brand. It’s like Pepsi for Men when Pepsi is a unisex brand.

Do me a favor when you’re on Fox Business or any other show, keep smiling more as you’ve been doing, it may help sales.


Martin Bishop

So, it's not the number of skus per se because Dove has just as many as Pantene, if not more. Is it that Dove has a strong association with moisturizing that holds its portfolio together whereas Pantene's emphasis on "shine" is not strong enough?

What about Dove's extension into men's care products? (http://dove.us/mencare/) Is that going too far? It undercuts the real beauty direction but the products still have moisturizing properties.

Richard Whipple

So true, Laura. Too many carts before the horse. Too much war in the boardroom and not enough focus on the mind of the consumer.

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