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February 2011



I couldn't disagree more with the Chrysler ad. I thought far and away it was the best of the day. Just because the company is in trouble doesn't reflect on the ad itself.


Hi Laura,

I really loved the Darth Vadar ad from a cute perspective.

Must admit as much as the ad was memorable, I have no idea who it was for!

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j chapman


The Chrysler ad connected with people on an emotional level like none of the other superbowl ads.

you might want to rethink this one. thanks.

David McElroy

How in the world can the Volkswagen "Darth Vader" ad even be worth a positive mention as a "First Down"? It had NOTHING to do with the brand. It didn't NOTHING to sell the car. Yes, it's cute. Yes, people talked about it. But it could just as easily been for Honda or Chevrolet or Kia. It was an entertaining 60-second short film with VW's logo slapped onto the end and with the car playing a very generic supporting role. Unless you're completely changing the principles of effective branding that you and your father have preached in the past, I don't see how you can call this anything other than a waste of money -- as an AD.

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Volkswagen was the first car commercial that I actually liked! Cute kid ;-)

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