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July 2012



I'm curious what are the otaieprng costs of a food truck compared to a brick and mortar restaurant? In a city like LA, where it is comfortable to eat outside most of the year, the food truck business model might actually be more sustainable than running a restaurant in a building. I think the model is less likely to be successful in a Chicago winter, however.


So true, Nicole. I found that when I stopped pttiung sugar in my coffee and tea, and drinking sugar-loaded juices, I started really noticing how sweet desserts were. I still LOVE dessert, but I can now appreciate delicious things like tart yogurt with berries. Yay for ice cream makers. I love mine. Want to get my hands on Jeni's ice cream book next!


The overhead model of a food truck is sfatiiicgnnly lower, and you're right about the SoCal weather playing a factor. That's why LA's iconic taco truck has been here for so long.My musings are on the GOURMET food truck, specifically those that have popped up within the last year and are trying to market themselves through Twitter. It's crazy trying to keep up with them. In addition to the ones I listed, there are also plans for a grilled cheese truck and a buttermilk truck (a breakfast truck selling products made of buttermilk).I personally like the influx of more cheap dining options out there, but I just wonder whether there will be a tipping point for gourmet food trucks, as there was for cupcakes and froyo.


I think Pinkberry will come out as a winner given enough time. I love the name. It's short, simple, unique and has a good visual hammer.


Great article.


Red Mango and Mochi are the most popular ones here in Gainesville, FL. Is Mochi not big nationally?

Erik Johnson

Great post. Love the detail on it. Most of these brands are C's, maybe a few B-'s at best. Like cupcakes frozen yogurt is getting to be a crowded category. The Pinkberry jingle is catchy and helps brand retention but quite annoying once stuck in your head.

In Arizona we have a different yogurt shop on every corner. My closest..RazzleberrieZ. Not a good name at all.

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