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November 2012


Bobby Jain

Good political insights.

Paul Dushkind

Why wait until after the election to decide who has the better slogan? "Forward," like "Trust," "Change" and "Hope" behore it, is a vague, insipid monosyllable, almost as degenerate as "Uh-huh" for a soft drink. (Okay, I know that one of those words is technically two syllables.) Yes, the logo is good.

It's true that Romney's slogan sounds like a joke, like a parody of empty slogans, and suggests snidely that Obama doesn't believe in America. But it looks like almost half the electorate bought it.


Just got the Visual Hammer book. Loving it! Great work. I really think it fills in a missing piece in my knowledge of Positioning. Makes a LOT of sense and I feel like I have a better grasp of Positioning and how to apply it. Got a few ideas for projects I'm working on like moderngreetings.com and printplace.com

Wrote an amazon.com review on the kindle version, too!

Jason Bedunah

Dave Johnson

Easy to agree with the winner's strategies after the fact. Were you an Obama supporter before the election, I don't remember receiving any Ries' Pieces to that effect, must have missed them.

Bob Cummings

If you say so. Here I thought it meant "trying to go forward" when we're stuck in the mud and even sliding backwards. He was backing a lie because we haven't been moving in that direction but I suppose there's always hope that we will move in a positive direction if you 'believe...in America'. Wait, that was Romney's slogan. Gasp, but who ultimately won?

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